Spare Parts

High quality standards in manufacturing and development, regular maintenance intervals and safe operation of the crane by trained employees are the basis for the highest

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Precision and safety: seamless transport and trouble-free assembly

In this first part, we accompany the production of one of the cranes – a double girder overhead travelling crane with an impressive span of 22 metres and a load capacity of 80 tonnes.

From the delivery of the steel sheets to the precise production of the box girder – we show you how a powerful crane is made from raw material. Take a look and experience the fascinating production process at first hand!

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Efficient technologies: Artistic painting and ultra-modern electrics of the overhead travelling crane

In this first part, we accompany the production of one of the cranes – a double girder overhead travelling crane with an impressive span of 22 metres and a load capacity of 80 tonnes.

From the delivery of the steel sheets to the precise production of the box girder – we show you how a powerful crane is made from raw material. Take a look and experience the fascinating production process at first hand!

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Innovative precision: from delivery to millimetre-precise cutting to length 

In this first part, we accompany the production of one of the cranes – a double girder overhead travelling crane with an impressive span of 22 metres and a load capacity of 80 tonnes.

From the delivery of the steel sheets to the precise production of the box girder – we show you how a powerful crane is made from raw material. Take a look and experience the fascinating production process at first hand!

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